The powerful influence of environments on infants and toddlers is described. Very young infants are limited in their ability to move away from an environment or to change one to their liking. The video demonstrates eight qualities for caregivers to consider when they are planning an environment for the care of infants and toddlers: health, safety, comfort, convenience, child size, flexibility, movement, and choice. The second edition updates health and safety information, addresses the needs of children with special needs and emphasizes the importance of relationships in infant/toddler care. Also included with this DVD is a DVD Booklet.
  • English
J. Ronald Lally, Glynn Butterfield, Peter L. Mangione, and Sheila Signer
Year of Publication
APA Reference
Lally, J. R. (Executive Producer/Content Developer/Writer), Butterfield, G. (Producer and Editor), Mangione P. L. (Content Developer/Writer), & Signer, S. (Content Developer/Writer). (2004). Space to grow: Creating a child care environment for infants and toddlers (2nd ed.) [DVD]. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.
Group Care
Media Type
Video Running Length (minutes)
Video Clip (English)
Video Clip (Spanish)

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