Littleton, Colorado
Senior Infant Toddler Specialist
Colorado Dept. of Education Office of Early Learning & School Readiness
Lisa Matter joined the EQ Statewide team as the Senior Infant Toddler Specialist at the Colorado Department of Education, after teaching infants and toddlers for 15 years. She now teaches adults about infant and toddler development with a focus on building the reflective capacity of caregivers in order to ensure each and every child has access to the responsive adult relationships that signify quality care in the first three years. She is deeply committed to improving experiences for all infants and toddlers, and believes that our convictions need only be equaled by our compassion in order to see the changes that will ensure a meaningful life for babies and those who care for them.

Matter considers infancy and toddlerhood to be the most important educational period of life, and this has been a central passion and theme throughout Matter’s career. The majority of Matter’s time with children has been with the remarkable age group of one-and two-year olds in a variety of high quality child care settings. Since completing her master’s degree, Matter has become increasingly involved with the Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care Initiative in Colorado. She began as an EQIT Instructor in 2010.

Matters holds a BA in psychology from Smith College and an MA in early childhood from the University of Colorado.